Wood Fence Calculator
Fence Length (ft.):
Post Spacing (ft.):
Enter the total length of the fence in feet.
Enter the maximum distance between posts in feet.
Number of Posts:
Number of Sections:
Adjusted Spacing:
This is the total number of posts needed for the fence.
This is the total number of sections for the fence.
This is the adjusted post spacing.
Picket Width (in):
Picket Spacing (in):
Number of Pickets:
Enter the width of a single picket in inches.
Introduzca la anchura por piquete (pulgadas).
Enter the spacing between pickets in inches.
Introduzca la separación entre estacas (pulgadas).
This is the total number of pickets needed for the fence.
Este es el número total de estacas necesarias para la valla.
Rails per Section:
Number of Rails:
Enter the number of rails per section.
Introduzca el número de travesaños por sección.
This is the total number of rails needed for the fence.
Este es el número total de travesaños necesarios para la valla.
Nails for Pickets:
Nails for Post:
The number of 2" Nails joining the pickets to the rails. (2 nails/rail)
The number of 3" Nails joining the Rails to the posts. (2 nails/rail)
Post Type (LxW):
Post Depth (ft.):
Cement Yield
Select the type of post you are using.
Enter the depth at which the post will be buried in feet.
Enter the Cement Yield
per bag.
Cement Needed (bags):
This is the estimated number of cement bags needed based on the post type,depth and cement bag yield.
Post Price:
Posts Total Cost:
Picket Price:
Pickets Cost:
Rail Price:
Rails Cost:
Cement Bag Price:
Cement Cost:
Include Paint Job:
Fence Height (ft.):
Fence Area (sq.ft.):
Coverage (sq. ft./gal):
Paint/Stain Needed (gal):
Paint Price:
Paint Cost:
Enter the maximum fence height in feet.
This is the total fence surface area.
How much area a gallon of paint cover.
This is the estimated oh how many gallons of paint you need.
Overall Cost:
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